The journal "Live and bio-abiotic systems" brings together on its pages scientists whose scientific interests include both living organisms and abiotic components that form a single planetary ecological system. The existence of such a journal will allow not only to quickly publish their own research results, but at the same time will contribute to the interpenetration of interesting ideas. The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences, submitted for defense in the scientific councils of the SFedU, should be published.

Main output:

Editor-in-Chief: Shkurat Tatiana Pavlovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;

Deputy Editor: Bezuglova Olga Stepanovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;

Technical editor: Tagiverdiev Suleiman Samidinovich, Candidate of biological Sciences;

Commissioning editor: Battalov Dmitry Valentinovich;

Members of the editorial board: formed by sections;

Sections: botany, genetics, microbiology, ecology, soil science.

Publication frequency: 4 times a year;

Distribution area: Russian Federation and foreign countries.

The founder of the journal is the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southern Federal University".

Legal address: 344006, Rostov-on-Don, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 105/42.

Actual address and mailing address: 344090, Rostov-on-Don, Stachki Avenue, 194/1, auditorium 106, Research Institute of Biology.

ISSN 2308-9709